Andrejs Žagars Cultural Development Foundation

The Andrejs Žagars Culture Support and Development Foundation was established to promote and develop high quality cultural projects with a particular focus on music and the arts. The foundation aims to attract funding from the State, philanthropists, and European funds. The purpose of the Foundation is to emerge cultural artefacts and become viable in the long-term.


The Foundation has granted more than 140 free concert tickets to doctors, students and educators


Musicians have participated in events organised by the Andrejs Žagars Foundation


Large-scale music and arts events

The goals of foundation

Creation and development of both local and international cultural projects with a long-term focus.

Creation and long-term development of the international Riga Vocalists Competition.

Creation and development of educational programmes for musicians and artists – masterclasses, academy for young vocalists, conferences, seminars, creative laboratories, and camps with the aim of professional development of musicians, and their integration into the inter-ethnic context.

Creation of large-scale music events, including festivals in Riga as well as in the regions of Latvia.

Promotion of participation of Latvian musicians and artists in internationally renowned cultural projects in Europe and worldwide.

Creation of concerts, festivals and other events that promote public education in the cultural context
Promotion of the integration of different cultural sectors.


Check out the music and cultural events in Latvia and abroad

Katru gadu Fonds ar lepnumu piedāvā augstas kvalitātes mūzikas notikumus, no kuriem katrs klausītājiem piedāvā unikālu un bagātinošu pieredzi. Īpaši nozīmīgs Fonda darbībā ir koncerts ir Andrejam Žagaram veltītais koncerts “Draugi -Andrejam Žagaram”. Šis īpašais notikums pulcē kopā cienījamus mūziķus no visas pasaules, radot aizraujošu un neaizmirstamu muzikālu pieredzi. Godinot Žagara mantojumu un ieguldījumu Latvijas kultūras bagātināšanā, koncerts kalpo kā apliecinājums viņa paliekošajai ietekmei uz Latvijas kultūras ainavu.

The team

Get to know the people who work every day to develop the Foundation